Calories in Vodka Explained

“How many calories are in vodka?”, “Will drinking this make me fat?”, “Can I drink vodka if I’m on a diet?” – these are questions I’ve been asked countless times in the last year alone by my friends, both male and female. It’s a known fact that alcohol leads to weight gain, which is why…

Belvedere Vodka Review

As you’ve probably gathered, I love vodka and so it seemed fitting I undergo writing a Belvedere Vodka review to kick things off. Belvedere Vodka is referred to as the world’s first luxury vodka, so I figured it would be the best place to start because who doesn’t like a touch of luxury in their…

Ciroc Vodka

Ciroc Vodka (Officially know as CÎROC™) is a eau-de-vie (French: Water of Life) vodka brand. It is produced in France in the Charente-Maritime area from French “snap frost” grapes, produced and distributed by the Diageo, an alcoholic drinks producer based in Great Britain. Diageo is the world’s largest spirits producer (They also owns the vodka brand Smirnoff and part…

Grey Goose Vodka

Grey Goose Vodka – An Overview Grey Goose vodka is a brand produced in France from French wheat. Created in the summer of 1996 by Sidney Frank (Founder of the Sidney Frank Importing Co) under the premise of creating a luxury vodka brand for the American market. Having set this as a goal, the product…

Belvedere Vodka

Inspired by the Polish president’s palace of Belweder, a word that itself inspires greatness, Belvedere vodka can be found from it’s homelands of Poland to Hong Kong and USA, London and Paris. In fact, Belvedere has now established itself as an easy drinking, premium vodka and definitely deserves it’s place on the top shelf. The name,…